November 22, 2003
In which I scream at Kitties not to claw the furniture

So I haven't posted in a while because I didn't feel like I had anything to say, but then this morning I realized that there were a lot of little things I could be relating while not fascinating would give you an indication of what I have been up to.

Before I get into that though, as I was updating the movies I want to see and books I'm reading this morning I found the new trailer for the new Harry Potter movie. And can I mention that they got Gary Oldman to play Sirius Black. I love that man. Maybe everyone else knew this, but I am so very excited. June 2004 baby!

Ahem....Right now that I've vented about Harry Potter, what have I been up to. Well I've been busily NOT doing my homework for school, which believe me I'm going to love when I have to do it all at the end of the semester. I am a complete slacker. We had a new computer system implemented at work, so that has made everything a little crazy. I was also annoyed and unhappy at work for a while because of the temporary manager we had, but now my normal manager is back and the system has made things easier at work. So things are good there but I feel like I'm not getting anywhere at the moment.

Last week Krista, Deanna and I went to Chad's for Monday Flip Night. The food was great and the martinis were marvelous. At Monday Flip Night at the end of your meal when you get the bill, you flip a coin with the waiter. If you call it right Chad's takes your entrees of the bill. It's fantastic. Course we lost, but we had a great time anyways.

I've started volunteering at the ASAP cat shelter once a week. The cats are so loveable, but it's so sad because a lot of them are owner turned in as well as strays. There's over 100 of them in the shelter right now.

Krista went to Tijuana last night so I let her dog Mandi sleep with me last night because otherwise she would have been all alone all night. Ribbon was a bit disorientated by having her there. At first he didn't realize it and then later as he's getting ready to settle down he hears her on the the other side of me and is all restless about it. It would have been funny had it not been 2:00 in the morning. Then this morning I had Mandi and Ribbon staring at me looking for food and the kitten (who's name is actually Indy, but who we never call that) is meowing her head off on the other side of her door because Deanna hasn't been home. It was a regular zoo around here this morning.

Basically I feel like I have turned into one of those women with 20 animals and they are the only ones she talks to. Hmpf. I've also told my sister that if she needed me to I could probably take her dog Rocky. I don't think it would happen anytime soon, but there is a possiblity and then, jeez I really will be one of those women.

Basically all I've been doing is working and keeping the animals company. It's a bit of a sad existance and I haven't been able to find a good book to keep me throughly occupied either.

Anyways, that's it. That's been me for the last three weeks. I'll have to try and post more so it doesn't seem so random. Lazy. Lazy is what I am.

Posted by nuala at 11:43 AM
November 01, 2003
So this is how it went

So Halloween, probably one of my favorite celebrations of the year, was a complete bust last night. "Why?" you ask. Well let me tell you.

#1: I had to work late and missed the kids dressed up and trick or treating and they are the best damn part.
#2: I've been working so much I had no time to carve my pumpkin
#3: It was very cold and rainy. Now for Halloween this might normally be okay, but still it limits your options to go out and about.
AND the big one #4:

One of the bellman from work was throwing a party and a lot of people from work were planning on going. I asked a friend of mine who no longer works here to go with me, not knowing she was not wanted because of a past relationship between her and said bellman. So when I go to pick up my friend she's already drunk. I take her to the party and there is an immediate tension because she is there, however she ignores it and proceeds to take three tequila shots within 10 minutes. I slink of to a corner and call for backup. Meanwhile she gets away from me and is verbally attacked by said bellman's girlfriend. Being drunk she's way more emotional than necessary and a scene occurs. Basically I get stuck with a girl who can barely walk and is crying. It took me a half an hour to get her to my car which was half a block away because we stopped for falling down and bouts of emotion. While I felt a lot of sympathy for my friend who should not have been treated that way I was completly embarrased because I had brought her to the party. Another friend from work called me later and told me that everyone wanted me to come back and no one was mad with me, in fact they felt bad that I was stuck in the middle, however I was still extremly uncomfortable about the whole thing and I still feel like I made some big social faux pas and everyone secretly hates me. It's no wonder I never go out and I usually huddle in my room watching my endless shows.

The truth is that this probably would have happened with or with out me. My friend probably would have shown up even if I hadn't brought her and the scene still would have happend, or if not that night some other night, but I still feel responsible.

I'll get over it, but in the meantime I feel drained and loser like and seeing all the pictures from the SF party makes me miss you all. No crazy drama, no out of control drinking, you're all the calmest bunch of people a girl could ask for.

So send mental hugs my way. I need them.

I best be able to see some kiddies and carve some pumpkins next year or I'll be really pissed off.

Posted by nuala at 09:20 PM