June 21, 2002
ughhh boyfriends

Can I just mention right now, so fucking typical! I run around like an idiot yesterday getting ready to go to Max's campout thing with sumit. I make muffins, I prepare stuff to eat, I get the cooler, I buy ice, I air out the tent, I borrow a tent, I pack and I get excited. This morning, I wash my hair, I shave, I dry my hair, I pack up all the essentials, AND WHAT HAPPENS??!! Sumit's friends flake on him, he starts to go, well I dunno I don't feel well...whan whan whan, it's too far away and now we're not going. So now I have to go home unpack, melt the ice, give kristen's tent back, have no taco chicken, eat way too many muffins and sit with the no camping. And go to a rave Sat night when I would much rather be camping till sunday but no sumit can't flake on ben even though that's all that they ever do to him. fucking sucks.

Posted by nuala at June 21, 2002 12:00 PM