June 29, 2005
Not Unexpected

Politics is causing the opportunity for the promotion to disappear. My boss feeling bad about the whole thing is probably going to get me a raise to compensate. I can't say I didn't expect it. This sort of thing happens at my job. It's politics and legal issues. Whatever. I'm still important. I have business cards.

The roommate situation hasn't gotten better. Still no roommmate. A large rent due is looming. Deanna and I can handle it but we'd rather not have to pay so much. We are considering moving somewhere else but honsetly it will cost around the same and we may eventually find a roommate. So.....

And everyone is going on trips and work is keeping me from joining in. Listen to me whine. I need to plan a trip. Maybe if I think somethng is coming up I will stay sane.

Posted by nuala at 10:38 AM
June 16, 2005
Lots of Changes Old Max, Lots of Changes

Lots of changes should be my mantra. Life has been in some upheaval the last few months and I haven't even been able to write about it, it's been so crazy. This last week however has been a watershed and I thought it was about time that I vented about it to the CH community.

I think everyone knows that I went back to my old job in March. It was a very hard decision for me as it meant leaving a job where I was needed and going back to a property I loved but being the only one hired back from a group of people with whom I am still friends.

Then I got a new boss. That was a little strange. I wasn't sure what he thought of me or how we were going to interact or if he would apprciate what I had to offer. At the same time this was happening my old job, offered me a new opportunity as Assistant Front Office Manager.

Yet again upheaval. I had the choice of taking a new opportunity which was an advancement with people I know vauled me and thought I was awesome, but at a property I wasn't very fond of, or stay at a property I loved with the possiblity of advancement but uncertaintiy of where I stood. I must have driven everyone nuts. I bugged my roommates about it, my mom, my sister, Sumit, everyone. In the end I decided to stay after having a wonderful conversation with my new boss where he made it clear that he thought I was fantastic and that he wanted to teach me whatever I was willing to learn.

Then there was the reopening which happened over Memorial weekend. While my mother and sister were having a grand old time in Paris I was working 15 hour days, training, organizing and in general running around trying to make sure everything was going well.

Truth is I wouldn't have it any other way. It's exhausting but I love my job. Things have calmed down. I'm not working 7 days a week or 15 hours a day anymore but I'm still feel like there aren't enough hours in the day.

Despite the fact that things have calmed down this last week was very upsetting. With work to distract me I was able to ignore the fact that Krista, my roommate was graduating and moving out in a few short weeks. She left on Monday. We had a great weekend, but I was always just a little sad as I was losing my best friend. I had to go to work on Monday and I couldn't stop crying as every time someone asked how I was all I could think about was the fact that Krista was leaving the house for good.

We haven't even found a new roommate yet. Jade decided that she couldn't move in so Deanna and I have been trying to find someone for at least a month now. Our timing seems to be off. Everytime we think that we have found someone it doesn't work out. Hopefully we will before July. I think Deanna and I just don't want anyone else.

And then this week, my boss informed both me and the other supervisor that instead of hiring a third supervisor he was going to list a Guest Services Managment position. So now on top of work being crazy, losing a roommate and my best friend, trying to find a roommate before I have to pay a crazy amount in rent, I'm applyiing for a promotion.

It's a great opportunity and very exciting, but there is no gurantee that I will be getting the promotion as they are looking at outside people. Either way it's another thing on top of all this change going on around me. Either I will be taking on a new position and that is a big change and a little intimidating or another new boss will be coming in and that is just another thing to work out.

So that's it. That is what has been going on with me. To try and avoid my issues I've been watching The OC obsessively and reading Harry Potter in anticipation of the new book. OH and I saw the new Batman today. Freaking fantastic by the way. Christian Bale is yummy. You see avoidance.

Posted by nuala at 01:06 AM