July 15, 2006
F****** Construction

Today has not been a good morning. I got no sleep and I am exhausted from working an 70 hour week and moving on top of it. This morning I picked up coffee and as I'm driving through the construction gate at work I have to make a tight turn and CRUNCH I hit the gate. I tore off my door handle. Tore it off! And there is a huge scratch on the rear passenger door. And I can't even do anything about it until Monday.

I'm a moron. I hate the construction at work. This is the second time I've done something to my car and it's not even really my fault. They make it impossible to park and you're always in danger of either being hit or hitting something because you have no room to maneuver. sigh.

I'm tired, mad and just frustrated. I want to go home and hide under the covers but I have to be at work for the next two days. And then I might be broke because who knows if they can fix a broken handle. Maybe they have to replace the whole damn door. sigh.

Somebody make me laugh....please.

Posted by nuala at 09:48 AM