November 21, 2002
Is it me or...?

So yesterday I'm driving home and I'm planning which shows I'm going to watch and which I'm going to tape for the evening so I see everything. As you all know I really like TV so some nights this can get pretty elaborate. Anyways I'm thinking okay I'll watch the Amazing Race and tape it for Mom and tape Enterprise, but then went wait then I can't tape Dawson's Creek. And then I thought ughhh who cares.

When did my teen angst shows turn into something I didn't want to watch. Am I getting to be an old fuddy duddy? Have I outgrown them? Or are they just getting worse? I can't decide and I'm a little disturbed by it. Why I don't know. It's not like Dawson's Creek is a big loss. They're annoying as hell really, but I can't even enjoy screaming at their stupidity anymore. The idea that I might not like the next "90210" that comes along, and I LOVED 90210, until Brenda left, damn them, is for some reason a little scary.

My point here is that while I'm not old, I feel like I'm outgrowing teenage things and I don't like that. I want to be giggly over stupid things on tv and movies forever. Soon I won't get it! Heaven forbid! Soon I'll be one of the big girls, the ones who have careers and exciting lives. I don't have that! Am I ever going to get it? I still feel like I'm on a playground sometime watching the "big girls" with envy. I mean I used to watch the teenager shows thinking man I wish I was like them. Now I go done that stuff, maybe wish I could have done it that way or whatever.

Life is passing by. It's passing by! Soon I'll be shaking my head at someone else watching these teen movies and shows like my mother does at me. And then I'll be like my Granny who just misses it and goes, "What was that now?"

I'm doomed I tell you doomed.

On another freaking out note, I submitted my application to UCSB today. I put in my e-app online. And then sent all the hard copies to to the Education dept. However I'm a little nervous because I couldn't find the post office on Durant but I did find a Copy and Mail place like Mail boxes, Etc., but not. Anyways I bought postage there and he just threw the envelope on the back counter without putting the postage one first. Now I'm afraid that it's not going anywhere. That it's going to get lost on some back counter of his all dusty and moldy and then I'll be screwed. Horribly screwed. I wanted to put it in the post office cause then at least I would know that it went directly into the mail system. I would put it there. It would be official. I of course found the post office on my way back and am now obsessing abotu my package sitting in that store forever.

Make my insanity stop!

Posted by nuala at 01:38 PM
November 19, 2002
Buggin you

Thought this was cute and wanted to share.

Not much else to share really. My weekend you ask? Well Sumit came up and we went to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets with Jade, Toby, Nicole, Sean, Chris, Angelito, and Andrea. It was nice to see all these SB people and catch up, even if I didn't get home till 3:30 am. And Harry Potter you ask? Oh well Harry Potter was great. Maybe my expectations were much lower after last year, but it was much funnier and at least had a little bit more of the feel of the book. I still want the next book damnit. grumble grumble. For now I will have to look forward to the Two Towers. For more stuff on Harry see Michele's movie review page.

I also played some miniature golf this weekend with Sumit, Andrea and Max, which was as always embarrassing because of how bad I am, although I did come in second. woo-hoo! So maybe others were more embarrased. Or maybe it's just me. I also played Risk with Sumit & Co., none of whom had played except for Max who I called a truce with. Although I think he would have won if we kept going. sigh. I'm still no good at it. I am no good at any games! Except Hearts where I kicked Gene's ass! Sorry Gene it's true. (course you beat my ass down at scrabble. damn scrabble.)

But that was all. It was overall an exciting weekend. Lots of games. Never ending games.

Posted by nuala at 10:00 AM
November 14, 2002
Anita Blake you're my Hero


First two chapters of the new Anita book due out in April are here.

Am I desperate for at least one of my series to come out with a new book? Oh yes. Yes I am.

Posted by nuala at 02:13 PM
And away we go

So long time no write and why? Well because I had nothing to say and in fact still have nothing to say, but am so bored that I feel the need to bombard you all with my ramblings.

So Voila! Here I am. Yep here I am.

Well yesterday I caught A&E's Biography on J.K. Rowling. Oh how I love this woman. If she would only give me back Harry Potter Mania I so want. Give me the 5th book woman! Give it to me. I just finished listening to the 4th Harry Potter book and am in withdrawl. I want to know what happens. Oh and did I mention the man who reads the books, Jim Dale, is a god. A brilliant Harry Potter reading god.

AHEM. Anyways. So yes, I only saw the last half of the show, but what I saw was pretty interesting. She taunted everyone by showing the FOLDER that contained the last chapter of the 7th book. That's right it's already written. It says what happens to everyone after leaving Hogwarts. So it might or might not have been in this big yellow folder, but still it was a big tease.

Oh okay so some stuff that was actually talked about was about how more people are going to die and it seems there's a main character that might die. Not that she said that it was a main character, but she said that it was really hard to write and she was close to tears while she talked about it. THIS DOES NOT BODE WELL I say.

Ron is apparently based on a close friend of her's from High School. And Hermonie is based on herself. The blue car that Ron and Harry drive to Hogwarts was the same type of car her friend (the above one who is the basis for Ron) and her used to joy ride in as teenagers.

There was of course more stuff that she talked about but I won't bore. But it was immensly entertaining to learn about what things influenced what in the book and how certain characters were developed, etc.

Also there is a message board on with people talking about Harry. The funniest one is the one titled "Harry Potter is the Devil" as the backlash that occurs is amazing. I think someone said it just to get everyone all riled up.

Anyways I'm done babbling now. I go back to my dull existance at UC Berkeley. blahhh! Hopefully seeing the Harry Potter movie will satisify me until the next book comes out. Probably won't with the reviews it's getting, but here's hoping.

Psst! Harry Potter Pictures:

H, R & H
Draco, oh how I love your nastiness
Introducing Tom Riddle
Oh Kenneth. How I lovee thee. Let me count the ways

Posted by nuala at 12:11 PM
November 08, 2002
Tattoo? Me? Nahhh! Well...

So this might only be a testament to how extremly bored I am, but today Michele was talking about her tattoo and how she needs another one cause, 1.) the excitement has worn off and 2.) she can't really see the one she's got so it's like it's not even there. I was then explaining how I'd like one but I've never really figured out something that I would want on my body indefinitely, but then suddenly sometime on the way to work I thought of something and now I'm going to share it all with you.

So Michele has always suggested to me a celtic design and while proud to be Irish I feel that they are overdone as many people seem to pick them for tattoos. I was thinking about how I wanted something that represented me and I started thinking about my name and what it means and the Irish myth that has a character with my name and it dawned on me.

In the Children of Lir, Nuala gets turned into a swan. Why not get some sort of pattern of a swan for a tattoo? Finally a project to do at work! I started scouring the web for tattoos of swans but could I find one? No! Next I looked for pictures of swans and found this as maybe an example of what I would like the swan on me to look like, position wise. But then I found this piece of jewlery that had a swan intergrated with a celtic design and I though oooooo.

So now I'm thinking something like the necklace but with the swan more pronounced and maybe also integrating the phrase "Fair Shouldered One" in gaelic which is what my name means.

Yea? Nay? What do we think? Give me something to do at work because looking for swans has gotten boring and I have NOTHING to do. You hear me? NOTHING.

Posted by nuala at 11:52 AM
November 06, 2002
Quiz Fad

Right so I joined the crowd making the quizes. Let's see how well you don't know me. I don't have any expectations. DO YOUR WORST!

Take the quiz.

Man I'm sick of these quizzes.

Posted by nuala at 09:58 AM
November 05, 2002


Mmm muffins....

So Sumit sent me this link and I found it so amusing I thought I should share it with everyone else. After you watch it you can press the back button and there are even more entertaining ones. I'm being vague on purpose so you'll go look at it. This entry means nothing without a visit to the above site. What does this have to do with muffins you ask?

GO LOOK AT IT! (and you'll see)

Mmmm muffins...

Posted by nuala at 10:23 AM