April 28, 2006

Do you ever feel with some people that you can never say the right thing? You say something that it is meant to be teasing and you apparently snapped at them. You say something that is supposed to be supportive and it's taken as a criticism. You try to sincerely apologize and it's ignored while the original slight or whatever it was is harped upon continually.

I hate that. Because I am the type of person who never EVER means to hurt anyones feelings. And even if I do I regret it the moment it is out of my mouth. So to say something innocent and be made to feel guilty about it drives me up the wall. Especially after I've apologized for something I never meant as a mean thing in the first place.

The worst part is that I get upset over something that was ridiculous to be upset over in the first place.


Posted by nuala at 08:15 AM
April 25, 2006

This past weekend was a lot of fun. My sister came down to SB with her boyfriend Erik and they were able to stay at the hotel. After checking them in, We went to dinner at Elements with some work friends and had a grand old time.

Ady then mentioned that she and Erik were going down to SD the next day to see Erik's brother Ashley and have dinner at Cafe Chloe where Ashely is the sous chef. She asked me to join them. It didn't matter that I would drive 4 hours to SD after work, have dinner, squeeze in a nap at Ashley's and then drive at 3am for another 3 hours back to SB. Nope. I did it anyways and it was totally worth it. Ashley spoiled us rotten and I love him for it. I also want to forever eat the banana caramel ice cream that he made for dessert. Ashley you make some tasty ice cream.

My only problem with this weekend was my early return on Sunday. As most people know, I have a long term love affair with my bed and sleeping in general. Deciding to drive home in the middle of the night is not my most brilliant moment. Coming home at 6:30am I was so in love with my bed it was laughable. I didn't leave it all day. I watched Sopranos half awake and then went back to bed.

But besides the sleep deprivation it was an amazing weekend. Lots of food. Lots of wine and lots of sleep (eventually). Yea me. Thanks to Ady and Erik for coming. Thanks to Ashley for the food. I'm coming back! It's not so far. Really.

In other news: Kitten season is upon us. I am contemplating aquiring a fuzzy fur ball. I don't like being catless.

Posted by nuala at 01:13 PM
April 21, 2006
Blog Material

I thought that those of you who take notes during your day as possible topics for blog entries would appreciate the comic below.


Posted by nuala at 12:44 PM
April 20, 2006
Up to Date

For those of you who like to keep up on the hollywood gossip, like myself, I recommend you check out Pink is the New Blog. It is endlessly entertaining and is a great filler for those slow moments at work.

Posted by nuala at 02:06 PM
April 12, 2006
You're Nuts Junior

I've taken to playing Trivia with the work friends once a week on Tuesdays. My sister can confirm this as I regularly text message her with the random TV questions I can't remember the answers to. She is the queen of useless TV trivia in case you were wondering. Case in point:

"What was the name of the bar which the gang at Cheers had a rivalry with?" Ady got the answer back to me in about two seconds flat. I was so mad. I should have know the answer. I'll never forget Gary's Old Town Tavern now. Burned into my brain for life

Examples of some of the questions that I knew the answer to last night:

What is the name of the Brady's pet cat on the Brady Bunch? (the cat was only in the first episode)
What actor from Friends guest starred on 90210?
Who is David Spade rumored to be currently dating?
What book is the movie Apocalypse Now based on?
Who was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence?
What country is Transylvania located in?
What year did the Titanic sink?
What was the best selling album of the 80s?

Questions I did not know the answers to:

What was the name of the band that Randy Watson fronted in the Eddie Murphy movie Coming to America?
Who was the first to run a mile under four minutes?
How many letters are there in the Hawaiian alphabet?
What was the name of the actor who played Gilligan on Gilligan's Island?
True or False: Babies are not born with knee caps
What was the name of Tom Cruise's first movie?

I love Trivia. It is addicting. Plus mix with rivalry and its fun fun times.

Bonus points if anyone can name the movie that the title of this post comes from.

Posted by nuala at 12:06 PM