February 27, 2003
I'm So Bored

...that I put my first name into google to see what would happen, and here's what I found:

1. There is a "Nuala" wedding party favor. It's pink and girlie.

2. I already knew this but Christy Turlington has a clothing line called Nuala. They've turned my name into an acronym and are pronouncing it wrong. Damn them. I think it's wrong. Just plain wrong.

3. I actually own this book, but felt the need to share it online. The people on the planet of Nuala are called Nualaoids. How great is that?

4. I'm a Kennedy and in a band! I'm getting cooler by the minute.

5. I am also thankfully myself. But that is not exciting at all.

6. I've actually read one of these. I'm a heroine in a series of novels.

7. It seems I'm also a witch with a cult.

8. I'm also a cat described as a "real beauty!" Would it be too weird to have a cat with the same name?

9. I have my own tiara!

After being a child who could never get her name on anything, i.e cups, bracelets, door signs, etc. (I used to curse those with common names like Chris, Mary, Jennifer. I hated them all.) it's finally nice that I can find my name somewhere and even in weird incarnations. Yea for the internet.

Posted by nuala at 03:13 PM
Sad day in the Neighborhood


Now I know Jade wrote about this already, but I didn't actually believe her till I found it on the NY Times. Mr. Rogers is dead. Now I know most people won't care as they found him scary or boring, I know my Mom did, but I LOVED him. As a child I could have watched him forever, and I'm sure I did. It's sad to think he will no longer be my neighbor. sigh.

Good bye Mr. Rogers. We'll always have those neighborhood memories. You kept a 5 year old TV watching Nuala happily occupied and damn if those puppets and their adventures weren't the coolest things ever.

Posted by nuala at 12:10 PM
February 22, 2003
Now What?

So I don't know how many people know I was doing this, but I just had my interview with Santa Barbara for their Teaching Program. I want in this thing so fucking bad. It's exactly what I need. There's a lot of structure and so much support. Schools actually have to apply to have student teachers. There is always more than one student teacher at each school, there is a site coordinator and the teacher you work with. This is what I am looking for, no being thrown into a classroom with no help or instruction, no free form cirriculum, just straight forward this is the program, this is what you do, this will help you be a teacher.

This of course made the interview even more intimidating. It was me and three other girls, all who I felt had way more experience in the classroom than me. We indrocuded ourselves, told them about are "artifact" (mine was a lesson plan I did, I even made up an example of what the finished product was), and then did a group activity.

Then we did individual interviews with the panel (which consisted by the way of the director of the program, a teacher who works at a nearby school, and a student in the program now) and I had to tell them without drawing or mimicing drawing how to draw a shape. I did that alright and then I was able to tell them a little more about myself, etc.

I don't really know how I did. I felt kinda inferior, but I've done all the prereqs and I don't think I made a fool of myself. Anyways I find out early March. So soon. I am scared to get this letter. I want everyone to send out good thoughts for me. I have to go. I'm going to go see Jade and her new place and try and relax. It's out of my hands now.

Posted by nuala at 12:10 PM
February 20, 2003
The American View


Click to get a bigger image.

Posted by nuala at 02:24 PM
February 12, 2003

I don't think that it is possible to be more bored than I am right at this moment. This job is a joke. I have done about an hour's worth of work in an 7 hour period. And yet they seem to think they have to hire more people for the workload. Hello! People! I'm sitting here with nothing to do! Oh and then the once in a great while when they actually think of something for me to do and they're like, "Are you sure you have time for this?" and I feel like shouting at them really loudly and slowly, "NO PROBLEM. PLEASE I WOULD WELCOME BEING BUSY." And then what do they do, forget all about the "pressing issue" that needed my attention. Fucking liars.

I hate this job! I hate it! And I think that is why I am terrified that I won't get into any of the three schools I applied to because then it means that I'm stuck here. And then I'm terrified of leaving and finding out that no matter what I do in whatever career it will always be this tedious and plain stupid. People suck. I just want to feel like I'm being productive and useful. Is that too much to ask for? If it was just acceptable to read my book when I have nothing to do, I might be able to bear it. Fucking paper shuffling.

One more hour to go. One more hour to go........3 1/2 months to go. 3 1/2 months to go....

Posted by nuala at 03:15 PM
February 07, 2003
Wako Jacko

So did anyone else see the Michael Jackson special on ABC last night? I watched about a half hour of it and then I had to turn it off because it was too painful to watch. It was like watching someone in slow motion drop off a cliff with pointy sticks waiting to impale him at the bottom. I can't decide whether to feel sorry for him or disgusted. On one hand he is OBVIOUSLY lying about having only TWO plastic surgery operations. On his nose. To help him breath better. Oh and hit those high notes. Now how is that a good lie? I'll give him that he might have the skin disease. I mean that could happen, but his face is so different from even when he did the Bad album that it can't merely be that his skin lost its pigmentation and he changed his nose, oh and because he went through puberty (because people's faces get distorted by puberty all the time).

Pictoral example:

Young 1971 Michael
The Cutness of Thriller
Little work done not so bad
Is this Michael or Latoya?
Good God Man! Is there a human under there?

And so if he's lying about the plastic surgery, it's not that big a leap to think that he's lying about what's going on when he's got kids sleeping in his bed. I mean some of the statements he made are just plain creepy, ahem, "We go to sleep. I put the fireplace on. I give them hot milk, you know, we have cookies. It's very charming. It's very sweet. It's what the whole world should do." Maybe if he obviously told the truth about something everybody wouldn't be so inclined to believe he's abusing all these kids.

And yet even while watching the small part of the program and knowing he's committing media suicide I can't help but feel sorry for him. I mean he obviously had a horrible childhood, and all his craziness seems to stem from it. And last night he said something about how he just wants to comfort and love children. It made me think that since he had a jackass for a father and seems to have lacked the affection that he needed while growing up that maybe he's trying to give to others what he didn't have. It made me pause and think he's being sincere, but then all the other weird shit he does gets in the way. Like making his children wear veils anytime they go out in public. And even his children's conception/nonexistant mother is weird. And wanting to adopt two children (a boy and a girl) from every continent (Who is he Noah?).

I loved Michael Jackson when I was younger. I made my dad buy me the thriller album and used to scare my sister by playing the Vincent Price voice over again and again. I even had a poster of him on my wall. (Cute Jackson, not the plastic one) And then there was just this downward spiral where everytime he was seen again he looked different and acted even weirder. sigh. It's such a shame too because now no one can even really appreciate any new music he comes out with because we're all so distracted by his lifestyle. I just don't get it. And I think I've decided, I feel sorry for him. Unless he really is hurting kids, then Bad Man!

Posted by nuala at 12:07 PM
February 06, 2003
My Oral Hygienist Hates Me


So I went to the dentist yesterday, and I'll admit I have bad teeth. I don't take care of them as much as I should, but I thought I had been getting better. With insurance this last year I've gone to the dentist every six months, I've gotten two crowns that I was putting off and a cavity filled. I even bought an electric toothbrush so that they didn't have to scrape off so much tarter whenever I came in. And I thought it was working, but it seems I've failed my Oral Hygienist again.

The woman is never EVER pleased. I know she spent less time on my teeth than she has in the past, that should be cause for praise right? Well no it seems that I have been missing the back of my lower teeth and I eat too much sugar. Oh and this one tooth in the back that she can barely reach with all her scraping equipment isn't being brushed correctly. I hate getting repremanded while I sit there with my mouth open and with HUGE orange safety goggles on my face.

That was a new experience. It seems that for some unknown reason I now have to wear orange safety goggles, because something is likely to get into my eye. I think I was more worried about the fact that they had to make people wear these than actually wearing them. I mean what happened that the insurance company has asked them to do this? All I can think of is hands slipping and those pointy scraper things going into someone's eye. After thinking that I was kinda happy with the goggles. So I just sat there pretending I was on some moon landing space mission and these were my space goggles. Awww yea orange space goggles. Did I mention they came up to the middle of my forehead and practically down to my lips?

All and all it was a typical visit. Ms. Oral Hygineist chastised me, Dr. Burr, looked at me kindly, thinking of all the money I have contributed to his holiday fund in the past and told me I had a cavity that needed filled and gave me a referral for an oral surgeon so I can finally after like 2 years get my wisdom teeth out. After endless years fo braces and cavity fill after cavity fill I don't believe that there will ever be anything that is not wrong with my teeth. Stupid teeth. Sigh. I go back in two weeks. Despite what Ms. Oral Hygineist thinks my teeth are much better than they used to be, lets just hope they don't go back down hill after I go back to school and no longer have insurance. Ahh the joys of being a student again.

Posted by nuala at 10:29 AM
February 04, 2003
Attention Anita Lovers!


The first 4 chapters of the new Anita Blake book, Cerulean Sins is up on Laurell K Hamilton's webiste. I wrote back in November that the first two chapters were on the site, but now, now there are four. Oh I am excited. I may have to read the series again before the new one comes out. I'm sure I've forgotten so many things. Ten freaking Anita Blake novels to re-read and revel in until the new one comes out. (April 1st) It's amazing how I never EVER get tired of reading these.

Oh and every now and again I rot my brain reading a fan fic which combines Anita Blake and Buffy Summers. (uncontrolable giggling)

And look Michele they did find a body part to use!

Posted by nuala at 03:36 PM