Hoppity Hop



Instead of seeing turkeys on my way home from work, now I see bunnies on my way to work. Hoppity hop, hop. This morning a bunny was crossing the road. And how do bunnies do this? Very slowly. This little bunny saw me coming and per his instincts stopped dead in the middle of the road staring up at me, most likely praying that I didn't see it.

I stopped my car and said, "Move bunny." Hoppity hop it went and then stopped again. "Move bunny!" Hoppity hop....almost out of my way. "Keep going bunny." Hoppity hop. "One more time" Hoppity Hop and he was safely across the street and I continued on my way to work.

Strange that animals are a theme on my commutes to and from work the past couple of years. Turkeys, goats, crows, bunnies. They're all the same, slowing me down and providing me with amusment and images of Michele and Kristen screaming, "Bunny(or whatever other animal it is)!" if they were in the car.

Hoppity hop hop all the way across the road. Silly bunny.


I had to stop at a busy intersection in Walnut Creek a few days ago while a mama duck with ten little wee baby ducks went waddling all over the place trying to figure out how to get away from the cars. It was sad but so cute with the babies.

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